November 21-30
Fifteen holiday stories from the international best-selling author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten have been crafted into an engaging evening of storytelling and song. This charming show takes a funny, heartwarming and often poignant look at the struggle to find the spirit of the holidays amid the avalanche of commercialism, stress and chaos that crashes down every December. The many delightful stories include a small immigrant child who comes trick-or-treating in a cheap Santa mask a few days before Christmas, inadvertently delivering the true meaning of the season to a grown-up with a serious case of “Scroogitis;” hilarious musings about a love/hate relationship with the vibrant poinsettia that arrives in most homes every December and hangs on and on and on, long after the holidays have ended; and a beautiful, deeply moving tribute to the winter solstice, celebrating nature’s precious annual gift of rebirth. Uh-Oh, Here Comes Christmas is a refreshing alternative to A Christmas Carol and The Nutcracker and is a wonderful sequel to the stage version of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten (possibly featuring the same cast). The four original songs and the many favorite holiday tunes can be performed with solo piano accompaniment or four-piece orchestration. Easy to stage, this charming event will rekindle the true spirit of the holidays in your adult and family audiences. NOTE: There is an unfinished sentence at the bottom of page 45 of the playbook. It should read: “This was the voice of a grandmother distilling her life into the music for a once-in-a-lifetime occasion, to honor what she loved and believed in.” We regret the omission and will correct it in future printings.