Striving To Make
Community Theatre
The Best It Can Be


The rebuilding of Pec Playhouse Theatre sits squarely at the intersection of cultural and community development. As an anchor business in Pecatonica, it's time for Pec Playhouse to return to downtown Pecatonica and create social and financial benefits for residents, visitors, volunteers, patrons, donors, technicians, artisans, and actors.

Pec Playhouse Theatre Capital Campaign Crests the $1.25 Million Dollar Mark

Since launching its Capital Campaign to rebuild the Pec Playhouse Theatre more then $1.25 million dollars has been raised.  This is from a combination of insurance proceeds, fundraisers, grants and generous donors.

“The excitement and enthusiasm to rebuild Pec Playhouse has been amazing!, “ said Pec Playhouse Theatre treasurer and Capital Campaign Manager, Laurie Miller, “It’s easy to donate.  Just visit our website at

There are a variety of donation levels available including seat sponsorships, general donations and naming opportunities.  To view the various levels and the donor recognition “perks” click here.

Pec Playhouse will continue to raise funds in 2025 with remodeling to begin in 2026.  In May 2024 the Pec Playhouse Theatre board of directors purchased a large industrial building and the adjacent property to remodel into a new theatre.

The former Pec Playhouse Theatre building on Main Street was destroyed in February 2021 when the roof collapsed.  Pec Playhouse has continued to offer live theatre performances in churches and schools until their new home is completed.



Pec Playhouse is an all-volunteer organization that is known for a welcoming spirit and family atmosphere. It’s a place to share your talents and expertise, and also to learn a new craft or try a different skill.

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What Folks Are Saying

  • Sharon Boehlefeld
    I have always loved live theatre. Being able to watch a good show without having to drive very far is what drew me to Pec Playhouse. It's also nice to be able to help from way off stage by volunteering my time.
    Sharon Boehlefeld
    patron and volunteer
  • Penny Wiegert
    I am proud to have the arts represented in my hometown through Pec Playhouse and am continually honored to be part of it on and off the stage.
    Penny Wiegert
    actor and past board member
  • Glen Wiegert
    Because of community theatre I have an extended family that can feel the joys, love, energy, and excitement of performing live.
    Glen Wiegert
    Board President, actor, and set builder
  • Jamie Button
    We're like a family inviting folks to our home, sitting down for a spell, feeding them a variety of entertainment, and then sending them home with leftovers of memories.
    Jamie Button
  • Lenny Adrignola
    Pec Playhouse has given countless volunteers the chance to work both in front of and behind the curtain. Though no one is looking for a reward, you can’t help but feel good when you talk to patrons after a show.
    Lenny Adrignola
    actor, set builder, and box office volunteer
  • Jesse Dabson
    Pec Playhouse aspires to do first-rate productions, I love the commitment of the volunteers and the familial feeling of the casts and crews.
    Jesse Dabson
    actor and director
  • Laurie Miller
    My entire family has been involved from young children to adults. Plus, I love creating beautiful costumes for the appreciative cast members.
    Laurie Miller
    actor, costume designer, and stage mom
  • Kim Mathieu
    Until I joined the cast of Mama Mia!, I had never been to the Playhouse. Now I can’t wait to get on stage again!
    Kim Mathieu
    Greek Chorus, Mama Mia! 2019